WCA Meeting with Baltimore DOT- September 16, 7pm (online)

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation will present their concept and take your questions and comments for traffic calming along Druid Park Drive at the Parkdale and 41st intersections. Your voice is important. Please join us for this important update. Click here to see the full version of the plans.

Baltimore City DOT/WCA Virtual Meeting using Webex
Wednesday, September 16th 7 pm

Link to join meeting: https://bmore.webex.com/webappng/sites/bmore/meeting/download/139f0a2769e9475fad6b9b7d6ba3f695?siteurl=bmore&MTID=mc8179539d71756768f117236d60a4386

Meeting number (access code): 129 475 4488
Meeting password: bXrf3wTk8m8

Tap to join from a mobile device:
+1-408-418-9388,,1294754488## United States Toll

Or join by phone: 1 (408) 418-9388