Work completed for Mon 1/16/23 to Friday 1/20/2023

Work completed for Mon 1/16/23 to Friday 1/20/2023
A&I Inc cleaned these properties and public areas (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:

Collected chips on 41st St bridge
Corner of Rockrose and Clipper Ave
Druid Park Drive alley by and behind the church
41st Street in front of Fox 45
Malden Ave from WJZ to Druid Park Dr
Rockrose Ave from Malden Ave to Clipper Drive
Sidewalk across from 2000 Girard
Sidewalks and gutters by 3605 and 3652 Clipper Ave
Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles and by the rear entrance to Fox 45
Clipper Ave from Jones Falls Trail to Clipper Mill Park
Parkdale Ave and the alley behind
Keystone Ave and the alley behind
Collected chips from the alley behind Girard Ave
Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Collected chips in alley behind Druid Park Dr

Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned Rockrose Park grassy areas, playground and walkway(daily)
Druid Park Drive by 2066, 2076,2128, 2130, 2132, 3600 and the side of 3601 Keystone Ave
Druid Park Drive by the Woodbury Sign
3600 Hooper Ave by side gate and back yard (reported by resident)
Meadow Mill parking lot by La Cuchera (reported by a resident; see note)
3711 Clipper Rd (cleaned chips reported by resident)

Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections:  (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleanup of the neighborhood by AAA, Inc and A&I, Inc was performed on 8/17/2023. They were followed by a resident who pointed out chips at different locations.

Additional Information:
Note: Red paint chips reported by a resident last week at Meadow Mill by the La Cuchera Restaurant were actually from a nearby red painted sign post and red painted fire hydrant and not from the TTI tower. Also, pieces of red plastic were found on the driveway and were not paint chips from the tower, as reported by a resident.