A&I Inc cleaned these properties and public areas (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Collected chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles properties
Clipper Avenue collected chips from Jones Falls Trail to Druid Park Drive
Hooper Avenue collected chips from WBAL to Druid Park Drive
Girard Avenue collected chips from Hooper Ave to Malden Ave
Collected chips on Girard Ave across from Parkdale alley garages
Collected chips on Girard at Keystone alley
Keystone Avenue collected chips from Druid Park Drive to Rockrose Ave
Collected chips from alley at Rockrose Ave and Clipper Ave
Malden Avenue collected chips from WJZ to Druid Park Drive
Hooper Avenue collected chips from WBAL to Druid Park Drive
Collected chips from corner of clipper and Druid park
Clipper Avenue collected chips from Jones Falls Trail to Clipper Park Drive
Clipper Park Drive collected chips from Clipper Ave to Parkdale Ave
Parkdale Avenue collected chips from Druid Park Drive to Rockrose Ave
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Collected chips on Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park grassy areas, playground and pathways (daily)
Collected chips from Rockrose City Garden
Hooper Avenue collected chips from 3600 rear yard and 3604
Girard Avenue collected chips from 2002 front yard and around 2004 & 2006
Clipper Avenue collected chips from 3700 front and rear yard (per resident’s request)
Clipper Avenue collected chips from around 3508, 3540, 3604, 3605, 3638, 3640
Collected chips on Clipper Park Drive across from 2002, 2010
Union Avenue collected chips in front of warehouses
Jones Falls Trail collected chips from City Garden to Frozen Puddle area
Collected chips on Keystone Ave at 3624, 3626
Collected chips on Rockrose Ave across from 2095
Collected chips around and in the fenced area of Rockrose City Garden
Collected chips around and in Woodbury Park on Druid Park Drive
Collected chips on Rockrose Park Trail (reported by a resident)
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleaning of the neighborhood was performed by AAA Inc and A&I Inc on Tuesday, 7/11/23
TTI cleanup summary and map for work completed Mon 7/3 to Fri 7/7/2023
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Collected chips on Hooper Ave from WBAL to Druid Park Drive
Collected chips on driveway at Rockrose Park (rockrose houses alley)
Collected chips at corner of Malden and Druid park
Collected chips at Keystone and Malden alley
Collected chips at Girard Ave and Rockrose Ave alleyResidences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Collected chips on Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park grassy areas, playground and pathways (daily)
Collected chips at Rockrose City Farm
Cleaned chips under the TTI tower
Collected chips on Clipper Ave at 3614, 3622, 3638, 3640, 3652
Collected chips on Druid Park Drive at 2009, 2122, 2130, 2138, 2069
Collected chips on Keystone Ave at 3635
Collected chips on Parkdale Ave at 3612
Collected chips on Girard Ave at 2001, 2002, 2004
Collected chips on alley behind 3600 and 3602 Hooper Ave
Collected chips on walkway at 2054 Druid Park Drive
Collected chips on Rockrose Ave at 2060, 2095
Collected chips on 2080 rockrose parking lot
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleaning of the neighborhood was performed by AAA Inc and A&I Inc on Monday, 7/3/23
TTI cleanup summary and map for 6/26/23 to 6/30/23
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Collected chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Cleaned chips on Girard Ave from Hooper Ave to Malden Ave
Cleaned chips on Clipper Ave from Jones Falls Trail to Druid Park Drive
Cleaned chips on Malden Ave from Druid Park Drive to WJZ gate
Cleaned chips on Keystone Ave from Druid Park Drive to Rockrose Ave
Cleaned chips on Rockrose Ave from Malden Ave to Hooper Ave
Cleaned chips on corner of Rockrose and Parkdale alley
Cleaned chips in the Druid Park Alley from behind church to 41st St
Parkdale Avenue collected chips from Zen Garden to Rockrose Avenue
Union Avenue collected chips in front of warehouses
Clipper Alley collected chips in the alley behind Clipper Avenue
Collected chips on Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park grassy areas, playground and pathways (daily)
Cleaned chips under the TTI tower
Collect chips on Hooper Ave by 3604
Cleaned chips at 3600 Hooper Ave and alley behind property (per resident’s request)
Collect chips on the Jones Falls Trail
Collect chips on the Hooper side of 2055 Rockrose Ave
Cleaned chips on Rockrose side of 3632 Parkdale Ave
Cleaned chips on Rockrose side of 3635 Keystone Ave
Collect chips on Girard Ave at 2000, 2001, 2003, 2009
Cleaned chips on Druid Park Drive at 2122, 2128, 2130, 2144, 2158
Cleaned chips on Malden Ave at 3700, 3701
Cleaned chips on Clipper Ave at 3604, 3624, 3636, 3640 and under bridge at 3638 clipper
A walkthrough inspection and cleaning of the neighborhood by AAA Inc and A&I Inc was performed on Tuesday 6/27.
TTI Cleanup Summary and map for the WCA for 6/19/23 to 6/23/23 M-F
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Collected chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Rockrose Avenue collected chips from Clipper to Malden
Parkdale Ave collected chips from Rockrose Ave to Druid Park Drive
Collected chips on Hooper Ave at alley between Girard Ave and Rockrose Ave
Druid Park Drive collected chips from Clipper Ave to Malden Ave
Collected chips on Hooper Ave at Fox 45
Keystone Avenue collected chips from Druid Park to Rockrose
Parkdale Avenue collected chips from Druid Park to Rockrose
Malden Avenue collected chips from Druid Park to Rockrose
Girard Avenue collected chips from Malden to Hooper
Collected chips on Clipper Ave from Jones Falls Trail to Druid Park Drive
Collected chips under 41st st bridge
Collected chips on corner of Clipper Ave and Rockrose Ave
Collected chips on Girard AVe
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Collected chips on Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park grassy areas, playground and pathways (daily)
Collected chips in Woodbury Park
Collected chips by 2055 Rockrose Ave (Hooper side)
Collected chips by 2000 Girard Ave (Hooper side)
Cleaned chips in alley behind 3600 Hooper Aveooper
Collected chips by 3600, 3602 Keystone Ave
Collect chips by rear of garage at 3600 Hooper Avenue
Collected chips by parking pad at 2122 Druid Park Drive
Cleaned chips in alley behind 2072 Druid Park Drive
Collected chips by 2023, 2025, 2126, 2140 Druid Park Drive
Collected chips by 2074 Rockrose Ave
Collected chips by 3614, 3624 Clipper Ave
Collected chips by gate to Jones Falls Trail
Collect chips on Jones Falls Trail from Rockrose Park to frozen puddle
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleaning of the neighborhood was performed by AAA Inc and A&I Inc on Tuesday 6/20/2023.
Additional Information:
A&I inspected the signs in Rockrose Park and reset them as necessary.
Rain limited some cleanup activities later in the week.

summary and map (attached) of TTI cleanup work completed for Mon 6/12/23 to Fri 6/16/23
A&I Inc cleaned these properties and public areas (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Rockrose Avenue collected chips from Clipper to Malden
Hooper Avenue collected chips from Druid Park to WBAL gate
Druid Park Drive collected chips from Clipper to Malden
Clipper Avenue collected chips from Jones Falls Trail to Druid Park Drive
Cleaned chips at the corner of Clipper and Rockrose
Collected chips on Clipper Avenue from Druid Park Drive to Jones Falls Trail
Collected chips on Hooper Ave at the Rockrose/Girard alley
Cleaned chips on Girard Ave
Cleaned chips on Keystone Ave
Cleaned in the Parkdale Ave alley
Cleaned chips in the Keystone Ave alley
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Cleaned chips at Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park, playground and pathways (daily)
2154 Druid Park Drive collected chips (as reported by a resident)
2132 Druid Park Drive collected chips (as reported by a resident)
Druid Park Drive at 2026, 2032, 2134, 2150 and Hooper side of 2054
Inspected property at 3600 Hooper Avenue, No chips found
Cleaned chips on Clipper Ave at 3624, 3626, 3638, 3640, 3652,
Under the bridge between 3638 Clipper and 3626 Clipper
Cleaned chips at Hooper side of 2055 Rockrose Ave at garage
Cleaned chips at Fox 45 (Hooper Ave side)
Cleaned chips at Loyola Sports Complex’s “Sean Lugano Memorial Field”
Cleaned area under the TTI tower
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleanup of the neighborhood was performed on Tuesday, 6/13/23 by AAA and A&I.
Cleanup Summary and map completed for Mon 6/5/23 to Fri 6/9/23
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Hooper Avenue collect chips from Druid Park Drive to WBAL Gate
Malden Avenue collect chips from Druid Park Drive to WJZ
Clipper Avenue collect Chips from Jones Falls Trail to Clipper Ave alley
Clipper Alley collect chips from Clipper Ave to Druid Park Drive
Druid Park Drive collect chips from Clipper to Malden Avenue
Malden Ave collect chips from Druid Park to Girard Ave
Girard Ave collect chips from Malden Ave to Hooper Ave
Rockrose Ave collect chips from Clipper to Malden Avenue
Cleaned chips on 41st St at Fox 45
Parkdale Avenue collected chips from Druid Park to Rockrose
Keystone Avenue collected chips from Druid Park to Rockrose
Parkdale Alley collected chips along the alley behind Parkdale
Keystone Alley collected chips along the alley behind Keystone
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Cleaned chips at Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park, playground and pathways (daily)
3600 Hooper Collect chips from the alley area
2006 Girard Collect chips from front gate area
2002 Girard Collect chips from from walkway area
Woodberry triangle on 41st St collected chips by the Woodberry sign
Cleaned chips on Clipper Ave at 3605, 3626, 3638 and at the church
Cleaned chips in the Clipper alley by 3514
Cleaned chips on Druid Park Drive at 2029, 2075, 2118, 3600
Cleaned chips on Malden Ave at 3615, 3623
Cleaned chips on Keystone Ave at 3602, 3620
Cleaned chips on Girard at 2002, 2004, 2010
Inspected and cleaned chips at 2003 Girard (per resident’s request)
Medfield Heights Elementary School collected chip in retention pond area by school (reported by a resident)
2140 Druid PArk Drive collected chip in front yard (reported by a resident)
2160 Druid Park Drive Collect chip in front yard (reported by a resident)
Fire Hydrant @ Druid Park & Malden collected chips by Fire Hydrant (reported by a resident)
Rockrose Garden collected chips in the Rockrose City Garden
Jones Falls Trail collected chips along the trail from the Community Garden to Puddle area
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
2003 Girard Ave was inspected by AAA Inc. and cleaned by A&I Inc. at the resident’s request.
TTI Cleanup Summary and map for the WCA for Mon 5/29/23 to Fri 6/2/23
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Collected chips on Hooper Ave from WBAL to Druid Park Drive
Cleaned chips at the corner of Keystone Ave and Girard Ave
Cleaned chips on Keystone alley across from the garages on Girard Ave.
Cleaned chips in the alley next to and behind 3600 Hooper Ave
Cleaned chips across the street from 2000 Girard Ave
Cleaned chips across the street of the Hooper Ave side of 2055 rockrose
Collect chips on Clipper Ave from Jones Falls Trail to Druid Park Drive and Union Ave
Collect chips on Rockrose Ave from Clipper to Malden
Collect chips on Malden Ave from WJZ to Druid Park Drive
Collect chips on Druid Park Drive from Malden to Keystone
Collect chips on Keystone Ave from Druid Park to Gerard
Collect chips on Girard Ave from Keystone to Hooper
Collect chips along Parkdale Ave and the alley
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Cleaned chips at Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park, playground and pathways (daily)
Cleaned chips on Rockrose Ave at 2060, 2064, 2076
Cleaned chips on Malden Ave at 3651, 3701
Cleaned chips on Druid Park Drive at 2122, 2126, 2136, 2156
Cleaned chips on Keystone Ave at 3600, 3614,
Cleaned chips on Girard Ave at 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2018
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave at 3600 and 3604
Cleaned chips at 3600 Hooper from front and rear yard and in weeds/grass area next to house (as requested by resident)
Cleaned chips under the tower
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough and cleanup of the neighborhood was performed on 5/31 by AAA, Inc and A&I Inc.
Additional Information:
No work was performed on Monday 5/29 due to the Memorial Day holiday.
New signs were made and posted in Rockrose Park to replace the ones that were removed by persons unknown.
TTI cleanup work completed for Mon 5/1/23 to Fri 5/5/23
A&I Inc cleaned these properties and public areas (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Cleaned Rockrose Ave at the pathway entrance to Rockrose Park
Cleaned chips along Clipper Ave
Collected chips on Rockrose Ave from Clipper Ave to Hooper Ave
Collected chips along the alley behind Girard avenue
Collected chips along the alley behind Rockrose
Collected chips along the alley behind Druid Park
Cleaned chips on Parkdale Ave from Girard to Druid Park Drive
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Cleaned chips at Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park, playground and pathways (daily)
Collect chips along Clipper Ave from Jones Falls Trail to Druid Park Drive
Collect chips in the gated Rockrose Community Garden
Collect chips on the Jones Falls Trail between Rockrose Park to the Community Garden
Collect chips on the Jones Falls Trail trail from the garden to Frozen Puddle area
Collect Chips at 3600 Hooper Ave at the side and rear of property
Cleaned chips at 3605 Clipper Ave
Collect chips around Union Square area
Cleaned chips by the back driveway of Fox 45
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleaning of the neighborhood was performed on Tuesday 5/2 by A&I Inc. and AAA Inc.
Additional Information:
Signs in Rockrose Park will be added to the daily inspections and will be replaced as necessary.
TTI Cleanup Summary and map for the WCA for 4/24/23 to 4/28/23
A&I Inc cleaned these properties and public areas (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave in front of Itineris and Scribbles
Cleaned chips on Girard Avenue from Malden Ave to Hooper Ave
Cleaned chips at corner of Rockrose and Clipper
Cleaned chips on Clipper at the church.
Cleaned chips in Clipper alley across from church
Cleaned chips on corner of Malden and Girard
Cleaned chips at corner of Keystone and Rockrose
Cleaned chips in alley behind 3600 Hooper
Cleaned chips on corner of Girard and Keystone alley
Cleaned chips on corner of Hooper and Girard
Cleaned chips on Hooper at garage for 2055 Rockrose
Cleaned chips in alley behind 2009 Girard
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Cleaned chips at Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned chips in Rockrose Park, playground and the pathways (daily)
Cleaned chips on Hooper at WBAL gate
Cleaned chips at 3612, 3614, 3638, 3640, 3652 Clipper Ave
Cleaned chips at church parking lot on Clipper Ave
Cleaned chips at 2009, 2029, 2039, 2059,2065,2085,2087, Druid Park Dr
Cleaned chips across Druid Park Dr at 2122 and 2150
Cleaned chips at 2087 Druid Park Dr rear of building
Cleaned chips on Girard at garage storage
Cleaned chips at 3600 Keystone Ave by the alley (reported by resident)
Cleaned chips at 3600 Hooper Ave near Warnock sign ((reported by resident))
Cleaned chips around Rockrose Community Garden fence
Cleaned chips in Woodberry Park
Collected chips along Clipper Avenue from Jones Fall Trail to Druid Park Drive
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
A walkthrough inspection and cleaning of the neighborhood was performed on Thursday 4/27 by A&I Inc. and AAA Inc.
Additional Information:
Friday 4/28/23 was a weather day due to heavy rains and wind.
TTI summary of cleanup work and map for Mon 4/17/23 to Fri 4/21/2023
Streets, Gutters, Sidewalks:
Cleaned chips on Hooper Ave across from Itineris
Cleaned chips on Hooper across from 2000 Girard and at the Woodbury Sign
Collect chips on Rockrose from Hooper to Clipper
Collect chips on Clipper Ave from Jones Falls Trail to Union Ave
Collect chips from Clipper Ave at Light Rail stop
Collect chips from Parkdale Garage
Cleaned chips on Parkdale from Malden Ave to Hooper Ave
Cleaned chips at corner of Girard and Hooper
Cleaned chips at corner of Girard and Parkdale alley
Cleaned Malden Avenue from WJZ to Druid Park Drive
Cleaned Girard Avenue from Malden Ave to Hooper Ave
Residences, Commercial and Public Properties:
Itineris and Scribbles playground & parking lot (daily)
Cleaned Rockrose Park grassy areas, playground and the pathways (daily)
3800 Hooper Ave entrance at WBAL gate
Cleaned chips at 2015 41st St
Cleaned chips at 2048 Druid hill
Cleaned chips at 2060, 2064 Rockrose Ave
Cleaned chips at rear of 3508 Clipper Ave
Cleaned chips at 1650 Union Ave
Cleaned chips near the Zen Garden at Druid Hill Park entrance
Cleaned chips at Hooper and Sons on Parkdale and 3500 Parkdale (Building 1)
Cleaned the Loyola parking and gravel lots
Cleaned Fox 45 driveway
Cleaned chips at Woodberry Park
Cleaned the Jones Falls Trail from Rockrose Park to Loyola/Fox 45 tower
Advanced Air Analysis Inc inspections: (entire property or publicly accessible areas):
On April 19, 2023, AAA and A&I (team of 3) did a walkthrough and cleanup of the Woodberry community.
Additional Information: