Join us for another Pariah Brewing hangout! This one is on May 11th at 5:30-7 pm. Kick back with the WCA!
Mill Centre Open Studios this weekend
Explore the Mill Centre in Hampden! They are holding open studios on Saturday, April 15th from 10 am to 5 pm. Visit open studios and discover unique gifts from local artists. You can learn more at their website,
Woodberry Community Hangout- Pariah Brewing Company
Come hang out with us at Pariah Brewing! We will be there between 5:30-7:00 pm.
Board positions open for election
In preparation for the April WCA Annual Meeting, we seek applications for Officer and Director positions for the WCA Board. Please consider taking an active role in community affairs and use your interests and expertise for the betterment of Woodberry.
Annual Board Positions (office is one year but has no term limit)
All applicants and Board members must maintain membership requirements
Annual Board Positions (office is one year but has no term limit)
Board members must maintain membership requirements, return signed Conflict of Interest form to WCA Secretary within 10 days of confirmed election, maintain pertinent files in approved Google Drive and actively attend meetings and events
Officers of the Board
- The President shall preside over all meetings of the Members, the Board of Directors and Officers of the They will prepare or cause to be prepared the agenda for meetings. The President may sign all contracts and agreements in the name of the Corporation after the Officers of the Board have approved them, serve as the representative of the Corporation in meetings and discussions with other organizations and agencies, act as a liaison between the other officers and members of the Board of Directors, committee chairpersons, and otherwise perform all of the duties that are ordinarily the function of the office, or as assigned by the Board. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons, when appropriate, in consultation with Board members. The President shall ensure that all vital papers and property of the Corporation are transferred to the appropriate incoming Directors, Officers, and committee chairpersons. The WCA Google Drive will be used for permanent retention of records and histories.
- The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President if the President is unable to do so or is absent; perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the Board, monitor membership dues along with the Secretary, maintain shared file of name, job title, email, phone number and address of City, State, and local contacts, and at the request of the President, assist in the performance of the duties of the In the event that the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall automatically become President. They will maintain and share electronically with the Board Officers, all materials of the Corporation. The WCA Google Drive will be used for permanent retention of records and histories.
- The Secretary shall keep accurate records and minutes of all meetings of the Corporation; make available copies of the minutes of the previous meeting and distribute them in advance of each meeting; cause to be delivered all notices of meetings to those persons entitled to vote at such meetings; maintain the minutes book of the Corporation and a current listing, with phone numbers and addresses (including mail and email), of the Directors and Members; and maintain a current membership roster and make such roster available at all meetings where votes may be They or their delegate will solicit and collect membership funds at community meetings and events. The Secretary will manage the general email or listserv file. They will maintain and share electronically with the Board Officers, all materials of the Corporation. The WCA Google Drive will be used for permanent retention of records and histories.
- The Treasurer shall oversee the deposit of funds of the Corporation into the proper accounts of the Corporation within ten days of receipt; the recordation of all receipts and disbursements from such account or accounts; pay all bills and invoices within 30 days of receipt, or by the due date, whichever is sooner; the preparation of the books and records of the finances of the Corporation; the preparation of financial reports of the accounts for each Board meeting; and the preparation and filing of all end of year financial reports and federal and state tax They will make all records available to the President and Board of Directors and will maintain and share electronically with the Board Officers, all materials of the Corporation, and upon the request of either, shall give an account of the Corporation’s transactions and financial status. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of annual dues from members, timely communication with the Secretary of new or renewed membership, and when deemed necessary by the Board, will maintain all insurance policies. The Treasurer will maintain and share electronically with the Board Officers, all materials of the Corporation. The WCA Google Drive will be used for permanent retention of records and histories.
Board Director Positions
CLEAN & GREEN DIRECTOR: Organizes events to engage the community in beautification projects and volunteer opportunities. Ideal candidate is involved in networking and promoting activities of various eco/greening non-profits working within Woodberry and the Jones Falls Mill Valley. Semi-annual participation in Mayor’s Clean-up (April & October). Maintenance of the Woodberry Sign garden and/or community open space as they develop. Prepare and have issued meeting minutes and event news with approval of Officers of the Board. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum). Other responsibilities as they develop. Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR: Idea candidate is social media savvy. Acts to gather, edit and publish pertinent news and announcements within Woodberry and adjacent Jones Falls Mill Valley. Solicits Board updates for publication. Develops and publishes monthly e-newsletter, promotes Woodberry via website, FaceBook, Twitter, Blogs, Instagram or relevant social media outlets. Grammar, writing, fact checking, proofreading and web skills/template management desirable. Prepare and have issued meeting minutes and event news with approval of Officers of the Board. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum). Other responsibilities as they develop. Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
FUNDRAISING/GRANT WRITING DIRECTOR: Ability to research grant opportunities, write and submit grants, coordinate with Treasurer for funds, monitor compliance and completes/files requirements pertaining to grants awarded to WCA. Publish via the e-newsletter award announcements and project updates pertaining to the grant. Event fundraising via sponsor donations desirable. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum). They will maintain and share electronically with the Board Officers, all materials of the Corporation. Other responsibilities as they develop. Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION DIRECTOR They will have knowledge of Baltimore City’s Commission for Historical & Architectural Preservation (CHAP) codes and act as Woodberry’s liaison with City and non-profits for the preservation of Woodberry’s mill and manufacturing heritage. They will chair and/or delegate, with Officers of the Board approval, Woodberry’s architectural review panel, if formed. The ideal candidate will attend and advocate Woodberry’s position at various Baltimore City Hearings. Prepare and have issued meeting minutes and event news with approval of Officers of the Board. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum). Other responsibilities as they develop. Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR: Ideal candidate will participate in/on the Northern District Community Relations Council meeting held six times annually at the Northern District Police Station, organize crime walks with our police representative(s), track and communicate crime in the community with our police liaison. Prepare and have issued meeting minutes and event news with approval of the Officers of the Board. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum).Other responsibilities as they develop.
Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
SOCIAL DIRECTOR: Responsible for social opportunities that promote meet and mingle both for membership, WCA committees and the greater Woodberry community. Annually plan the Hangout, our community block party, and National Night Out (August). The ideal candidate will have strong event planning, volunteer coordination, organization and/or executive assistant skills. Position involves grant writing and/or securing sponsor donations. Prepare and have issued meeting minutes and event news as approved by the Officers of the Board. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum). Other responsibilities as they develop. Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
ZONING & LAND USE (ZLU)DIRECTOR: The ideal candidate will have personal work/scheduling flexibility as this position requires attendance and testimony at various Baltimore City Hearings (estimate 5-9 x annually). They will attend developer meetings, have knowledge of various City Codes and Ordinances, maps and resources, works closely with City Planning, CHAP, Liquor Board, the Housing department and other City agencies as necessary. The ZLU Director will draft position statements and/or letters for the President’s signature . Additionally they may be requested to represent Woodberry’s interest by attendance/coordination with Hampden and Medfield associations. Prepare and have issued meeting minutes and event news as approved by the Officers of the Board. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum).Other responsibilities as they develop. Documentation and use of WCA Google Drive is required.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR: Manages and coordinates with Officers of the Corporation, the membership list to include communication with the Treasurer for check deposits. Maintains accurate records of new and renewal membership via PayPal and Square. Researches address discrepancy and/or additional member. Retains records per Corporation guidelines. Participates and solicits membership at Open Meetings and community events. Attends and briefs the Board (6 x annually minimum). Other responsibilities as they develop.
Pariah Brewing Meetup
Come join the WCA at Pariah Brewing for a meetup this Thursday March 16th at 6:30! Meet your neighbors and relax a bit.
Television Tower Inc- Clean-up plan for paint chips
At our July 12th meeting, participants requested a copy of the Television Tower Inc (TTI) remediation plan. TTI has shared a summary of this plan. Here’s what they shared:
Remediation Process
Television Tower Inc.
Summary of MDE-Approved Cleanup Plan
- Television Tower, Inc. (TTI), with the approval of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), engaged Accredited Lead Paint Abatement Service Provider (Residential, Commercial and Public Building Contractor) (A&I Environmental Services, Inc) to undertake remedial activities.
- The approved plan requires A&I Inc to use HEPA vacuums to remove paint chips on the ground and other exterior areas of identified properties, provided that the property owner has requested such service and has granted access to the property.
- TTI is deploying Advanced Air Analysis, Inc, an MDE Accredited Lead Risk Assessor, to perform pre and post- cleanup inspections and to document that remediation has been completed.
- A few non-residential properties are subject to modified requirements imposed by MDE, and TTI has deployed A&I and Advanced Air Analysis to those properties to remediate in conformance with those requirements.
Outreach, Planning and Timeline:
- As required by MDE, TTI provided a plan to conduct outreach in cooperation with the Woodbury Community Association, to reach out to the surrounding community. TTI provided copies of flyers to the WCA, and an email and phone number for residents to request the inspection and cleanup of paint chips on their property. TTI is doing additional direct mailings to ensure notice.
- TTI began work on June 30th 2022, and estimates project completion by August 1st 2022.
- TTI is engaged in regular communication with MDE as to its progress on the remediation.
Remediation Tracking and Communication
- Residents or businesses can contact TTI through its email at or via the voicemail box at 410-578-7551.
- The resident’s or business’s contact information, communications and associated response actions are being monitored by the industrial hygienist, Advanced Air Analysis, and the abatement contractor, A&I, Inc.
- The resident should receive a follow-up email outlining the inspection and cleanup process, and requesting any contact information if it was omitted in the initial email they sent.
- Any comments or special instructions provided for permission or access, or relating to the prioritization guidelines, are noted in the comments for the contractors.
- Once the cleanup and post inspection are complete, the resident is sent an email confirming the same.
- As discussed with and approved by MDE, priority on remediation is given to childcare facilities, playgrounds, parks, and other properties used by children.
- Following that, remediation will focus on residences, group homes, and commercial establishments.
- Remediation of roofs, public streets, and sidewalks will be done last except when there are opportunities toexpedite that work.
- Within categories, TTI prioritizes properties that have asked for remediation, which is done by sending a requestto or leaving a message on TTI’s voice mailbox at 410-578-7551.
- TTI will engage in affirmative outreach by multiple means to properties in the surrounding area to performremediation where needed, but also encourages neighbors to inform their neighbors on how to request remediation if they identify paint chips on their property.
Update on paint chips from TV Tower.
Good afternoon community! We have been following the TV tower paint chip situation and have some updates to share with you:
Television Tower Inc. (TTI) is the entity responsible for managing the candelabra tower for the three stations who use it. The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has approved a remediation plan for cleaning up lead paint chips in the community. The cleanup begins today, June 30, 2022. They have hired A&I, an accredited MDE contractor.
In order to have your property cleaned by the contractor, please email with your name and address or call (410) 578-7551 and leave a message for them. They will be in touch.
If you have neighbors who may not be online or who may not be receiving emails, please share this information with them.
If you have young children, please consider having them tested for lead levels with your doctor. Talk to your doctor about approaches to reduce lead exposure in your household if you have young children.
Our next meeting is on July 12, 2022 at 7 pm at Itineris at 2050 Rockrose Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211. It will be a hybrid meeting. Click here if you want to attend via Zoom.
Thank you for being involved! If you’re interested in volunteering, click here to get in touch. We are always happy to have new faces.
Congratulations to our new WCA President and Treasurer

Congratulations to Alyssa Brown and Marian Glebes, our newly appointed President and Treasurer. The current WCA board met and voted to appoint and approve them to fill the open positions in accordance with paragraph 5.d. of the WCA Bylaws. Both Alyssa and Marian have been active WCA members and we are looking forward to their leadership. Tracey Brown will continue to serve as Secretary. Christopher Whipps will continue as the Public Safety Director. We will be sharing additional information about opportunities to get more involved with the WCA by joining a committee in the near future.
Many thanks to Sheri Higgins, our outgoing President, who tirelessly worked for the community. Her many accomplishments include creating the Woodberry Hangout, creating and maintaining both the sign garden and the plantings along 41st St, leading Woodberry to become a Local Historic District, and so much more. Her contributions are too numerous for this post.
Alyssa Brown has been a Baltimore City resident for more than ten years and a homeowner in Woodberry since 2016. According to Alyssa, “Many things drew me to Woodberry when I made the decision to buy a house, including its history, architecture, and its proximity to the light rail. The ease of access to the city and all its resources combined with the large green spaces and ability to have a small garden of my own made it the perfect fit.
I recognize that Woodberry is changing and want to make sure the community has a seat at the table as development impacting the neighborhood continues. I believe building on and broadening the existing processes to elicit feedback from the community and ensure transparency is critical as we move forward. I played an active role in the most recent effort to secure a Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) designation since the demolition of the stone houses in May 2019. I bring a combination of skills which I think would serve the community well, including a background in grassroots organizing and coalition building. It would be an honor to continue to serve the community going forward.”
Marian Glebes has been a resident of the Jones Falls River Valley for 20 years, and a homeowner on Brick Hill since 2013. According to Marian, “For these past two decades, I have worked with and across diverse and inclusive communities, geographies, and stakeholders due to my dedication and commitment to engagement, equitable development, and the power of people and art to change the City. I am compelled to service in Woodberry and Baltimore by all of the complexities in the questions ‘How we make a place, and how a place makes us.’
Through my work in the private sector in community economic development, in the non-profit sector working alongside City agencies to lower barriers for artists and makers in policy and practice, in academia as a teacher in higher-ed, in my art practice that ranges from working in museums to working in the public realm, in already serving the WCA by playing an active role in the recent CHAP designation, in grassroots activism and organizing with and alongside neighborhood associations across Baltimore, I have a history of showing up and serving the people and places around me.”
CHAP Hearing for 3535 Clipper Rd- September 8, 1:00 pm (online)- UPDATE- This portion of the hearing is cancelled
UPDATE: The plans for 3535 Clipper Rd will not be reviewed at the September 8 hearing as previously announced. The developer is reviewing CHAP input for height and mass and will reschedule at a later date.
Original post- The development team for Kathy Jenning will present their concept for the 3rd lot on Clipper Road. This is the metal building lot. “The hearing will chiefly be about height, massing, and scale, which is how CHAP handles large new construction. The finer design details and materials are reviewed at subsequent hearings”. Below are links to the presentation and instructions on how to log into the hearing.
WCA Meeting with Baltimore DOT- September 16, 7pm (online)
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation will present their concept and take your questions and comments for traffic calming along Druid Park Drive at the Parkdale and 41st intersections. Your voice is important. Please join us for this important update. Click here to see the full version of the plans.
Baltimore City DOT/WCA Virtual Meeting using Webex
Wednesday, September 16th 7 pm
Link to join meeting:
Meeting number (access code): 129 475 4488
Meeting password: bXrf3wTk8m8
Tap to join from a mobile device:
+1-408-418-9388,,1294754488## United States Toll
Or join by phone: 1 (408) 418-9388